Thursday, March 22, 2007

Alpha Blessings!

Hello Praying Hands,

Wanted to update you guys. My uncle passed away suddenly on Sunday. He left behind his wife (my aunty Geeta) and his daughter Shoba & son Vickresh.

After the Hindu cremation service, I was having a chat with my cousin Shoba in her room..trying to be of some comfort to her ( I was babbling awayas usual... did'nt know what to say). I gave her a copy of the Purpose-Driven Life I brought along with me; cos she told me once that she wanted to read it for the longest time. We chatted somemore..then I just took a shotlah..I asked her to come for the Alpha course. I had been praying abt inviting her the night before and on the way too there but was just not sure about it. To my delight Shoba accepted.

She mentioned she had come to church once or twice before. In fact, I forgot that I invited her to Christmas service at AMKMC 2 yrs ago..haha! Then my other cousin, Hardeep, who is already coming to Alpha this Friday, walked in the room and said ' You know, I was thinking..why don't you ask Shoba to come along to church on Friday!" I just started laffing...and told Shoba that she can't turn down 2 invites! The story's not over.

The next day (yesterday), I smsed Shoba to ask one of her close friends/classmates to come to Alpha with her. Her friend, Jaya, was shadowing her throughout the past few days...being with her and answering her phonecalls and basically being her pillar of strength. Shoba replied the sms saying that my cousin Hardeep had already suggested asking Jaya to come too and that she would bring her along...At that point, I thanked the Lord and laughed and went silent..heehee!

I'm now praying that God will put it in their hearts (Hardeep, Shoba & Jaya and all the other participants) to come despite whatever state their hearts and schedules are in, even those who have yet to be appraoched. God knows already, in his timing, who he has chosen to come for Alpha..He is a faithful God. And when we do our part in serving Him, He will show us His glory! "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples" (John 15:7-8)

I hope this story has encouraged all of you to see how God is working within us and through us in this Alpha course. Its gonna be really exciting these next 10wks seeing how God will impact and transform more lives (including ours) for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven! Let's not just pray for attendance but for Salvations! Lets not limit our prayers because we have a LIMITLESS GOD...Almighty is his name!

See you guys at Friday...6.30 pm! Keep praying and abiding and bearing fruit in Christ!

Glory to God!


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